Monday, August 24, 2015

All good things must come to an end

In our staff meetings Bruce always encourages us to try something new and this summer was definitely a summer of firsts. I caught not one but two fish, we caught a lobster at piers park as well as a flounder and I'm pretty sure I helped many kids really enjoy their summer. There are just so many great memories that came from this summer and I met so many really cool people. I had an amazing first year and an even better second year, I am very grateful to have been asked back to work for Save the Harbor this summer. Out of the entire summer though my top three favorite moments have to be the Beach Bash and Splash, the fishing tournament and the first week of the summer. I really hope that things work out so that I can come back next summer because this job is definitely one of my favorite jobs I've ever had. It's just sad that it has to come to an end. 

For the last time,

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