Saturday, August 1, 2015

An Incredible End of the Week at Carson

This last Thursday and Friday was the largest amount of kids Carson Beach has hosted this summer. Thankfully, we were prepared with many activities and events for all the kids to make lasting memories. Thursday morning started with soccer with America SCORES and swim lessons with the Dorchester YMCA. Everyone in the water was happy to escape the heat and everyone playing soccer made sure to hydrate and wear sunscreen. The highlight of the day was Norah Dooley coming and telling her story of Mary the Pirate. All the kids loved listening to her fantastic storytelling. At the end of her story she tested the kids wits with riddles and true or false questions.

On Friday the main activities were fishing, kayaking, and more swimming, The BASE kids had a great time kayaking for the first time on Carson. All the kids were also excited to try out casting a fishing pole for the first time. The kids also got to work with DCR. The women from DCR led an activity with a sand net to try and capture any marine organisms. Luckily Joe our photographer was there to capture all the wonderful moments.  Until next time! Nora

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