Sunday, August 16, 2015

Bye Bye Blacks Creek, See You Soon, Courageous!

Crab-trap catch!
 Hello again, friends!

Summer has never ended so quickly! I cannot believe that this past week we finished programming at two of my sites!

The end of our time at Courageous Sailing was incredible. We were able to help out with parents and kids last week- it was incredible to have over 60 people attend our program in a single afternoon! Our crab traps never fail to amaze, but we caught a surprising number of fish, including a small flounder that Jayda, one of our JPAs, was able to get into our tank! Jayda wants to be a vet, and I trust her with everything fish-related, she's a true expert! Our last days were spent with fishing rods and smiles, and I can't wait for next year!

I will miss the amazing Courageous staff- thanks for everything, Courageous! You have been exciting to work with, helpful at every opportunity, and you have brought energy to our days!

One of our last fisherman!
Em Gaylord, being incredibly helpful and managing our banner!

Getting parents and teachers involved at Courageous!

 I am also sad to say that we finished programming at Blacks Creek this week! I could not have enjoyed working with Quincy Rec more- they invited us to their lovely Nautical Day celebration, and we caught our third eel! One parent approached me and said that according to her (7-year-old) son, our programming was "the best thing that had ever happened to him!" He was one of our regular kids; he kept a journal at home and was always ready for more adventure. I will miss kids who brought spunk to my mornings, like he always did!
Abdi chatting with his buddies!

Intense sand-castle building in our last week at Blacks Creek!

 I am happy to say that we were able to use some of the low-tide clay from the previous week to make everyone a small figurine to remember Blacks Creek. I made the seals, but the kids helped out with the hearts, sea-stars, and stingrays featured below. These two helpers suggested some kids bring home extra clay figures for their siblings and parents, and helped me make that possible! Thanks for showing me how caring you are in Quincy, folks!
I chose all of these photos because they are real highlights of my last week in Quincy and Charlestown. Each one makes me smile, and that's something that matters to me. This summer left me wishing school would never start- even through the heat wave. I could not have had this much fun without the support of my incredible JPAs- thank you so much to Daynaja, Danny, Abdi, Jayda, Bella, Luke, Andy, Preston and Ruth for all of the help and guidance you gave me and the kids!

Until next summer, keep smiling, Quincy and Charlestown!

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