Monday, August 3, 2015

Seafood Festival!

Hi everyone! It's blog time!

      So, this past Sunday I had the opportunity to participate in the 15th Annual Boston Seafood Festival. Since the festival was going all day long, we split into shifts to run the Save the Harbor/Save the Bay booth in the children's activity area. I ended up on the last shift of the day, though the festival itself continued for a little while after our shift ended. When I arrived I was quickly overtaken by the smell of delicious, freshly cooked seafood. I could feel myself becoming more and more hungry as I passed each booth in search of ours.
Richard, hanging up a freshly made fish print.

      Eventually, I managed to track down the Save the Harbor booth, where we would be doing fish printing with the kids that came by. We had a big table set up with a couple of flounder ready to be printed on it. As kids came by, they would get to pick up to 2 colors of ink to put on the fish. Then, we would help them spread the ink over the fish, paying special attention to the fins, tail, and head. Once that was done, we would gently press a piece of paper to the fish to transfer the ink. Once the print was done, the kids would sign it and we hung it up to dry, so they could come back and pick it up later.
Ivy, one of the Seafood Fest staff, gets in on the fun!
Till next time,

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