Sunday, August 2, 2015

Water.. water

Tuesday was completely different from any of the other sites I went to.  On Tuesday I went to Carson beach. There was a soccer camp going on and we played with the kids. My favorite game was hand ball because my team beat Preston's team. Overall it was really fun! 
  So Tuesday and Thursday I went to courageous sailing and CBI. I had so much fun!   At Courageous sailing we started off telling the kids about our program and many other facts.  When it was time to go down all the kids grabbed their life jackets as fast as they could and headed down to the docks. Afterward we had about 5 traps to pick up! On Wednesday, picking up the traps was not a problem, but on Thursday we had 2 traps stuck together and pulling them up was quite a hassle. Once we showed the kids all the animals such as star fish, crabs, sea squirts, etc..we went up and fished. 
On Wednesday A young boy caught one fish, but on Thursday we had no luck (whomp whomp). 
I had the best time going to CBI on Wednesday and Thursday. Not only did we get to teach the kids about fishing, we taught them the Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay song!  After fishing we went kayaking, and it was so much fun. When it was almost 3, the kids had a backwards paddle race to the dock. It was really great getting to know new kids!.

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