Monday, October 5, 2015

360 Participants Enjoy Free Cruise to Spectacle Island

On Saturday, September 26th, 360 people visited Spectacle Island aboard Bay State Cruise Company’s Provincetown II for Save the Harbor/Save the Bay’s first free fall cruise of the 2015 season. 

 Sunny skies and temperatures in the 60's provided perfect weather for hiking the trails and hunting for artifacts on Treasure Beach.

Mass Humanities Scholar and award-winning storyteller Norah Dooley shared stories of Boston Harbor's history as Mary Read the Pirate, and helped island visitors search for treasure.  She will join us again in October for our second free fall cruise of the season on October 24.
Save the Harbor high school staffers Daynaja Depina of Dorchester, Jayda Chandool of Mattapan, and Abdullahi Abdi of Roxbury welcomed cruise participants and enjoyed the view from the top of the North Drumlin.

The Santos family from Lawrence, and the De Los Santos family from Ashland, enjoyed a picnic lunch on Spectacle Island.

Some lucky treasure hunters found JetBlue marbles and entered the “Simply Marble-ous” Treasure Hunt for a chance to win a pair of round-trip JetBlue flights to any domestic destination they serve from Boston’s Logan Airport! Keep an eye out on Boston’s beaches for a blue marble of your own—we will accept entries until October 31st—just send us an email at with a photo of yourself with your marble, your name, neighborhood, and your contact information!

Nataly Wickham and Kristin Fahning, opera singers and students at the New England Conservatory, enjoyed taking advantage of a free opportunity to see Boston from a new perspective.

Save the Harbor/Save the Bay will host one more free fall cruise to Spectacle Island this year on October 24th to celebrate the end of another great season on Boston Harbor.

If you would like to join Save the Harbor/Save the Bay on the 24th, please RSVP to

Save the Harbor's free youth environmental education and family programs are made possible with Leadership Grants from Bay State Cruise Company, The Boston Foundation, Distrigas/GDF SUEZ, and The Coca-Cola Foundation.

Save the Harbor is grateful for Partnership Grants from Forrest Berkley & Marcie Tyre Berkley, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, The Chiofaro Company, The Clowes Fund, Marion L. Decrow Memorial Foundation, Alice Willard Dorr Foundation, The Fallon Company, Hampshire House Corporation – Cheers for Children, John Hancock Financial Services, Inc., Mass Humanities, Massachusetts Bay Lines, Massachusetts Environmental Trust, Massachusetts Port Authority, National Grid Foundation, P&G Gillette, William E & Bertha E. Schrafft Charitable Trust, and Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation.

Save the Harbor also appreciates funding support from 3A Marine Service, Arbella Insurance Group Charitable Foundation, Andus Baker & Rowan Murphy Family Fund, Blue Hills Bank Pavilion, BOMA, Boston Bruins Foundation, Boston Global Investors, Boston Properties – Atlantic Wharf, Breckinridge Capital Advisors, Andrew J. Calamare, Carnival Foundation, Circle Furniture, The Daily Catch Seaport, Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation, Ms. Wallace M. Leonard Foundation, Paul & Phyllis Fireman Charitable Foundation, Thomas & Lucinda Foley, HYM Investment Group Inc., Lovett-Woodsum Foundation, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, National Park Service, Nicholson Foundation, P&G Gillette, Reebok Foundation, Rockland Trust – Peoples Federal Foundation, Skanska, South Boston Community Development Foundation, Spectra Energy, Matthew J. & Gilda F. Strazzula Foundation, Lawrence J. & Anne Rubenstein Foundation, Senior Housing Property Trust, South Boston Community Development Foundation, TD Bank Charitable Foundation, Kyle & Sara Warwick, and the hundreds of individual donors who help make these programs possible.

 Save the Harbor would also like to thank our partners at the Department of Conservation and Recreation, the Metropolitan Beaches Commission, the Boston Centers for Youth and Families and the YMCA of Greater Boston for their support.

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