Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Vertex Pharmaceuticals Cleans Up Dorchester's Beaches!

On Friday, October 2, two teams from Vertex Pharmaceuticals in South Boston joined Save the Harbor/Save the Bay and the MA Department of Conservation and Recreation for a blustery day of corporate citizenship on two area beaches. The stormy weather didn’t affect productivity as the energetic "Vertexians" removed truckloads of debris, weeds and overgrowth and cleared pathways, sidewalks and playgrounds along Tenean Beach and Malibu/Savin Hill Beach in Dorchester.

Vertexians on Tenean Beach
The morning crew of 40 Vertex volunteers removed a total of eight tons of trash and vegetation from Tenean Beach and the surrounding playground, parking lot, and access road—making such an impact that residents have already made phone calls to praise the crews’ results.

(Left to right) Tracy Koval and Marielle Gonzalez
Tracy Koval of Beacon Hill and Marielle Gonzalez of South Boston helped to clear brush from the fence lining the access road to Tenean Beach. Marielle noted, "I love the beach-- I went to the beach so much more this summer after learning about the great water quality!"

Mike Partridge

Mike Patridge of Concord found his marble on Tenean Beach during the morning's activities. Growing up in Newton, his father would often take him birding in Squantum, which connected him to Boston Harbor from a young age.

Afternoon crew at Malibu Beach
The afternoon crew of 25 braved the wind, rain and rising tide at Malibu Beach and removed nine tons of debris and vegetation from the boardwalk, concrete path, and along the opposite side of Morrissey Boulevard used most often by boaters.

(Left to right) Paul Dubois, Steve Migausky, and Paige Goodwin
Paul Dubois of Wakefield, Steve Migausky of the South End, and Paige Goodwin of the Fenway area are lawyers at Vertex. They spent the afternoon clearing large amounts of debris and trash from the boat ramp area across Morrissey Boulevard from Malibu Beach.

(Left to right) Charlie Lagasse, Sue Woods, and Amy Gaylord
Save the Harbor/Save the Bay staffers Charlie Lagasse of Newburyport, Sue Woods of South Boston, and Amy Gaylord of Dorchester were on hand to help volunteers from Vertex pharmaceuticals remove 17 tons of trash and debris from Dorchester's beaches as part of the Vertex Day of Service.

Save the Harbor Vice President Susan Woods was impressed but not surprised by what the teams from Vertex accomplished.
“The volunteers from Vertex really care about the environment and our community and it shows,” said Save the Harbor Vice President Susan Woods, who coordinated the service project for Save the Harbor. We have already gotten calls from residents telling us how great the beaches look and how much they appreciate all our hard work.”
Thank you to Vertex Pharmaceuticals and all of the individual volunteers who participated in the service day! Save the Harbor/Save the Bay and the Department of Conservation and Recreation appreciate the hard work put in to improve the local community.

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