Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A Crash Course in Boston History

Boston Children's Museum is right across from the Boston Tea Party Museum. I've never been to the Boston Tea Party Museum, but I know the routine pretty well at this point. Sometimes during the slower hours when no one is at the fishing lines, I and a few other people there will yell "Huzzah!" and "Aye!"at the same time the group at the Tea Party Museum does. It's fun and I really should visit the Tea Party Museum sometime. The people who work there are energetic, and I love history.
A good portion of people who visit the museum, are tourists, and I often ask them about their experience so far, and places they're planning to visit. Sometimes they ask me about the history of Boston, so I do my best to teach them about Boston. And others ask about where are some of the best places in Boston to visit. As always, I try to help as much as possible. In addition to getting experience in teaching children and how to stay positive, I've had some very enjoyable conversations with the adults about their experience in Boston so far, and I've answered a few history questions, like if the Boston Tea Party Museum is where the Tea Party actually happened in 1773 (I don't know, Boston has changed a lot), and I gave a crash course in history to a young boy who wondered why people would dump the tea into the harbor because it was such a waste. (If they were dumping coffee I'd completely agree it was a waste, but it was tea. I'll live. Just don't touch my coffee.)
Save the Harbor Save the Bay has given me a crash course in both basic marine biology and Boston history, as well as giving me some practice thinking on my feet. I didn't intend to brush up on my Boston history while working at Save the Harbor Save the Bay, but as always, this job is full of surprises.

The Boston Tea Party Museum (the BCM is right next to the Hood Bottle)

A Map of Boston Harbor Today

A Map of Boston Harbor Then (huge difference)

Sarah M.

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