Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A Very Happy Birthday Indeed

Hi everyone!

My last week at Blacks Creek has been nothing short of fantastic. We have had around 30 to 40 kids there every day. These kids just can't seem to get enough of our fishing, nature walks, cheesy ocean jokes, and games, for most of them return day after day. In fact, some of them enjoy our program enough to join us on their own birthday! Meet my friends Jonathan (left, AKA Birthday Boy) and Luke.


We were flattered to have them both on Jonathan's birthday, and even welcomed Jonathan with a hearty "Happy Birthday" song sung by 40 of his newest friends.

These two brothers have made quite the progress since joining us on Monday of this week. To begin, they were too shy to leave their grown up's side at drop off, and too shy to play Simon Says with the group (I empathize with them all too well, I too was a very shy child and am still a shy adult). However! This is not the time nor the place to be shy! Instead, we are to embrace what is around us and engulf ourselves in what the harbor has to offer us. And thankfully, Jonathan, Luke, and myself have caught onto that very quickly. Since Monday, they have both become champs at the game Museum, they continue to ask tons of questions about our lessons, and to chime in when they have an important point to add. I am so proud of their progress and their unyielding curiosity, and I am only reinforced in my love and faith for what these programs can do for kiddos like these guys.

Until next time!

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