Tuesday, July 26, 2016


I think it's fair to say I have the best summer job ever. I don't even work, I explore. I'm low key Dora the Explorer because there's different things to do every day and new things I learn about. Last Friday at children's we had the pleasure of catching a pregnant female crab! The amount of eggs she had were uncountable. There were probably like thousands. If you've ever watched Finding Nemo, at the start of the movie you see all the fish eggs, they literally look like those in microscopic size. It was a spider crab and she was a lot more gentle than I thought she would be. She was not as overprotective and allowed us to open up and see all her babies. It was quite a catch, everyone who came up to the touch tank was amazed. We soon released her back into the ocean for her safety and for the safety of her eggs.

 Not only was that the first time seeing a pregnant crab but this weekend was my first time at the sand sculpting festival at Revere Beach. We set up a station for fish printing and after that I was able to walk around and look at all the pretty sculptures. What job allows you to have fun as working? Mine! I took lots of pictures and my snapchat story was so long. Bella and I got lit as we sat in the model cars from Chevrolet bumping loud music. I enjoyed some fried dough while admiring the sculptures and ice cream. It was a day well spent. My time is never wasted at work. Until next time, can't wait to see what's coming up.

All summer 16

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