Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Carson Water Fight

The start of my third week was awesome.Monday I was at Carson Beach and we had a huge water fight which started when Andrew poured a bucket of water on oneof the girls. So we all ran and grabbed a bucket and some people even used water bottles to get people wet.the funnest part was tryinget Joe, Preston and Carlos with the water buckets. We were try so hard to get Joe but he kept hiding down buy the water.

Every on was soaked not even ten minutes in to the water fight. I was so wet that I had to cut my jeans in to a pair of shorts so I could run around a soak people. About a half hour before we got to leave we had Joe surrounded down by the water we all had buckets filled to the brim then we threw all the buckets at him and he was soaked. After we soaked Joe Andrew came up behind me and poured a bucket on me so I turned around and picked him up and slammed him into the water he was so surprised that I did it.Then it was about time to clean up the the supplies and try to dry off as much as we could. This Monday so far was on of the most fun days of work. I can't wait to work at Carson again.

Chris Hawe

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