Monday, July 18, 2016


Hello everyone,

It has been another great week at the harbor. I love going to Carson Beach. Whenever we have the opportunity to go to Carson I absolutely love it and get exited because it is one of my favorite sites to go to. My favorite thing to do when I go to Carson - besides interacting with the kids and going kayaking - is playing soccer. I absolutely love playing soccer with the kids who visit Carson. This week we had a great game going on. What makes it more fun is that I'm not the only one from Save the Harbor. It was me, Jessie, Preston and Abdi playing with a group of campers. One of them kicked my knee (by accident) and it still hurts a little bit. But that's all part of the game, right?

When I play with them it is just so fun, because they are looking at us as an example and when they see how we are engaging with them and trying to be there and play games with them, they see how important they are as well. We should always try to be their friends so they can have the best summer, like I'm having.

Until next time,

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