Sunday, July 31, 2016

Finding Dory at the Beach Bash

Hey Guys,

Well on Friday I had MLK and it was interesting because they had a speaker who was teaching us about savings and what we can do to improve the ways we save. I had fun with my group because we did different activities and got to know each other a little more. I honestly can’t wait until the MLK Talent Show because it shows what talent that other young teens in Boston have and the fact that they aren’t afraid to show it is really brave.

Yesterday was exciting at the Discover Quincy Beach Bash. Rusenny and I were doing fish printing with the kids and there was one particular girl who was so cute trying to put the paint on but she was so little she couldn’t reach the table and her grandma and I were laughing. In the end her Fish Print came out really cute.

Our Friend who made the cute Fish Print
Later on, I made a Fish Print of my own, and turns out it looked exactly like Dory, initially I wanted it to be pink but it turned out to be a nice shade of bluish purple. It was the first time I’d ever done a Fish Print and I can’t wait to do it again.
The Fish Prints Rusenny and I made
Towards the end of the Day, Pirate Mary Read told the kids stories of Boston, like ‘Hoover the Talking Seal’ and at first no one believed her, not even me but then she told us to look it up. It was just so fascinating because who would’ve known that an actual animal spoke. She also taught us about the Fish Scale Clouds and how they stand for a sudden weather change within 12 hours. It was a good day and the weather was beautiful.

Pirate Mary Read telling her amazing story
 -Until Next Time, Nieomi :)

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