Wednesday, July 6, 2016

First Summer at Save The Harbor

My name is Cristian Berlioz, I’m 16 years old. I live in Dorchester but I’m originally from Honduras. I'm an upcoming junior at Brighton High. I moved to Boston in 2011. I play soccer. My favorite team is Real Madrid from Spain. This is my first summer at Save The Harbor Save The Bay. I'm really excited about this program because every day I learn something new about the environment that's around me. In just one week I learned a lot about the Harbor and the islands that are in it. I have a feeling that this is an experience that I'll never forget because this is my first official job and I'm doing the things I like such as being outside, meeting new people and having fun.

"It is going to be another spectacular summer on Boston Harbor, the Boston Harbor Islands and on the region's public beaches thanks to these outstanding young people. See you on the beach!"

I was debating about if I should work or just try to have fun during the summer. When I heard about this program I thought about giving it a try because I would be able to do both things at the same time. I think I made the right choice because I'm having fun instead of being home, being on my phone, and watching TV. I'm working with kids which is something I enjoy. I'm learning new things about the different topics, going to places I never thought existed before, and fishing which is something I only did once when I was younger. I'm really happy and exited about being part of this.


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