Tuesday, July 5, 2016

First Time for Everything

My name is Kharliyah Ortiz, I'm 17 years old, and I attend the John D. O'Bryant. This is my first year working at Save the Harbor Save the Bay and I'm looking forward to every bit of it. I've heard so many good things about this organization and I can't wait to see what this summer has in store for me. So let me explain:

Have you ever been afraid to try something new? This week at Carson Beach was my first time kayaking. It was a fun and daring experience. As we put on our life jackets the instructor explained the rules and what to do out in the water. My heart was racing with fear and my mind with so many "what if's" like, "What if my kayak flips over?" or "What if I fall in the water". I hid my panic as my partner and I carried our kayak down to the shore. We get to the water, hop in, and paddle out. Further and further until I can't see the ocean floor. I was mostly scared but kept it cool, or so I thought. Up until one of my coworkers pulled up in their kayak next to ours and threatened us to jump in or get flipped. By that time I think my fear was pretty visible and audible from my screaming. I was assured that nothing would happen because my life jacket so I toughened up and hopped in. The ice cold water hit my body in a rush that was refreshing and shocking. That was my first time kayaking and it was a blast.

All Summer 16 

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