Saturday, July 23, 2016

Fish Printing at CHV

Hey everybody. Last Friday, the day after the fishing trip, we brought some Flounder back to Camp Harbor View. We did an art project called Fish Printing and the kids loved painting the fish and pressing the paper on it. We made about 8 fish prints and one boy names Kerrick loved them so much that he took multiple home with him.

Every day the weather is something different on Long Island. On Monday it was hot and sunny and on Tuesday it was cool and windy. But no matter what the weather is like, we always fish. This week at Camp Harbor View the kids got to pick a new club meaning that we get to deal with new kids that are in the fishing club. There are two kids who decided to come back to fishing club for their second time. Their names are Dallas and Corey and they are just as excited this week as they were the first week. It feels good to have kids coming back to you because it means they enjoyed fishing with our Save the Harbor staff. I’m really looking to teaching these new kids how to fish and just have a good time!
Until next time,
-Maeve F.

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