Thursday, July 28, 2016

Fishing At Spectacle!

Well this week at Spectacle Island has been an interesting week. On the first day at Spectacle, nobody really wanted to fish, the groups that had signed up ended up cancelling. Everyone wanted to either swim all day or play sports. But yesterday and today was a complete different story. The kids would go swimming for a bit then from a distance you could see a group of them coming down to the dock yelling "I want to fish! I want to fish!" Many of them were awesome at casting the rods into the water.. Others, well.. lets just say thank God nobody lost an eyeball today. Some kids would just wave the hook around among other kids and it was kind of a scare for me. "No don't do that!" Others would almost throw the whole fishing rod into the water while trying to cast. Aside from those  struggles, I tried my hardest to teach each and every one of them how to properly cast without hooking anyone or getting tangled and I can say it was much of a success.

This week has been a week of learning more about fishing for me too. I learned how to tie the hook onto the rod (kind of taught myself after minutes of struggling). And there's something about just casting and waiting and hoping to catch something, that is very relaxing. I think fishing is one of those activities that teaches you a whole lot of patience. We haven't caught anything here yet, but I know we will soon! All it takes is patience and dedication! We got this!

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