Thursday, July 14, 2016

Getting Pinched By A Crab :(

Hey everyone,

Well this was a fascinating week. On Tuesday I was at Courageous Sailing Center and Community Boating which was pretty interesting.

At Courageous we were placed in Step 2 and there was one girl specifically who stood out to me. Her name was Valerie and she was so brave. When we brought out the Green Crabs she was the first one who touched them, and she picked them up like a pro. It was hilarious because we're supposed to teach them how to hold the crabs, but she taught me a couple things I didn't know.

P.S. While Grace and I were pulling up the Lobster Traps, there was a Green Crab caught and I tried to be the brave one and tell the kids that it wouldn't pinch me. But the worst was yet to come... I was pinched, and that's when I knew I shouldn't have lied. But in the end I knew it was bound to happen evevntually.
My Friend Valerie Holding the Male and Female Green Crabs
Later on that day, we were at Community Boating and I didn't know what age group we were going to be working with, but it ended up being a group of 10-14 year-olds. It was fun because I went kayaking the first time with Sam. We kept making jokes and two of the boys kept trying to race us and splash us when we were racing. I was so happy because I was enjoying myself and taking risks of meeting new people and trying new things.

Henry and Raj waiting to catch a Fish 
Till next time everyone, when you hear about the crazy adventures that are to come!

- Nieomi

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