Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Intro to Soph

Hi there!

My name is Sophie Ruehr, and I'm working as an Environmental Science and Policy intern for the summer here at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay. As a rising junior at Yale College studying geology and geophysics, I'm interested in the intersection between social justice and biophysical science.

Last semester, I had the privilege of travelling to Vietnam, Morocco and Bolivia to study climate change. Although there are certainly many contradictions in my flying on planes around the world to learn about how green house gases are affecting both natural and social systems, my understanding of environmental and climate justice as well as political ecology grew enormously. I realized that climate change is not always obvious and that small-scale mitigation and adaptation strategies have a big part to play in shaping a more equitable world.

Working at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay this summer is a wonderful opportunity for me to continue learning about how environmental justice happens on a local level. My internship here will also allow me to understand more deeply how science can serve underprivileged communities.

Growing up in Boston, I fondly remember the time I was able to spend outside with family and friends. Save the Harbor/Save the Bay's mission of empowering new environmental stewards through youth engagement programs on clean beaches makes a lot of sense to me, and I'm very excited to be on the team!

Here's me at the top of Pico Tunari, the 16,500 foot peak towering above Cochabamba, Bolivia, where I lived for a month this past spring.

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