Monday, July 25, 2016

MLK Event

On this lovely, sunny  Friday I am meeting with some if the harbor group members and others working around the city for an MLK program.
When I arrived to the arena I wasn't able to see the rest of the crew. MLK had a lot of groups attending, and only a few familiar faces were among them.
As I was walking down to my seat I noticed that everyone was mixed into different groups. I was put at table one. There I met six fantastic people who I can relate to on life terms. We all introduced ourselves by saying our names and couple of goals we wanted to accomplish. But most importantly, we talk about how we wanted 2030 to be in the future. I said I would want to see less violence with cops, and also be able to see the community change. Have more affordable houses systems. Even if the population grows we still can manage it. They had us make mini diagram houses. The group and I worked on a mobile way around the city. As we finished we listen to inspiring video presentations. We also thought about how we can make this a better environment for everyone in the future. Everything said during this MLK event were things I could use as life continues in the future.

As we were finishing up, I was missing the kids from Blacks Creek and Carson Beach. Being involved in those two sites is fun, especially being able to gather with the kids and enjoy the natural wild surrounding them. The most important this is to see the kids smile, because it tells you a lot about the day and their mood. If a kid is smiling it means that you did your part right: a kid couldn't ask for more but to have fun and be able to explore and use their imagination.

-Edward Calderon

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