Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone

My name is Bridget McGrath, and this is my introductory blog post as a Senior Harbor Educator for Save the Harbor Save the Bay this summer! I teach first grade at the Tynan Elementary School, and prior to that I've always worked with children in one way or another. This is my first summer working with Save the Harbor Save the Bay. And if this past week of orientation is any indication, I am going to have an absolute blast this summer! I am so excited to be Site Coordinator of Carson Beach in South Boston, and to share Save the Harbor’s awesome activities with families and programs from all over the city!

I’d like to share an experience I had this past week. Personally, I went way out of my comfort zone during orientation. I participated in several activities that I never thought I would.  Whether because of an actual fear or just a fear of being embarrassed, I often stand in my own way of things. I did not have that choice this week, and it was liberating. On Thursday, at Carson Beach, I was one of the first Save the Harbor team members to try a Stand Up Paddleboard. After Stacey gave the lesson, I was so nervous and yet I knew if I walked away without trying it, I would never forgive myself.

So I strapped on a life jacket, walked down to the (pretty chilly) water, and jumped right on board. Getting from my knees to my feet was the scariest part, and the most exhilarating. It was a rush, standing up there and being in such control of everything. And what’s better, looking back at the shoreline to see fellow Save the Harbor members watching, supporting, and cheering me on. I cannot even describe the feeling that gave me. So this summer, my goal is to make sure that children who come to see me at Carson will leave with that same feeling; proud of doing something new and fun, and just thoroughly enjoying it! I’m looking forward to a great summer!

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