Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Stuck in Muck

Our week on Carson Beach started out very messy .. and I mean that in the best way possible. When our first group of kids came to the beach, the tide was extremely low. Now, I know that many of you have been to Carson beach before. But have you really seen what lies there at low tide? Sand, you ask? Nope. The only word I can possibly use to describe it accurately is muck. Grayish, goopy, squishy muck. The stuff that makes a "plop!" sound when you step in it. Anyways, so there we were: a group of kids from the South Boston Boys and Girls Club, a couple of harbor explorers, and a vast expanse of muck. Heck, a bunch of muck never hurt anybody!

We grabbed our clamming tools and all headed right in. We might have sunk ankle-deep into this muck, but we used our tools and hands to really get on in there. We found tons of periwinkles on the surface, some hermit crabs, and some clams. The kids LOVED discovering and learning about these different sea creatures. However, that was not the most astonishing part for me. I was surprised, thrilled, and so proud of the fact that these kids were FEARLESS. I heard camp counselors in passing say things like "this stuff is gross," and "Yeah I am not walking in that, I'll watch you from here." And then you have the children: not a care in the world about this clay-like substance that is now taking over most of their exposed skin. They looked like a pottery class gone bad. It was amazing. Overall, I had as much fun as (if not more than) the kids we worked with. What's wrong with a little muck now and then anyways?

A recent survivor of a mucky Monday,


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