Monday, August 8, 2016

Always exciting events

Hi everybody. So this past week was a little different than usual because on Friday my group and I didn’t go to Camp Harbor View. Instead we went to Carson beach for the annual Beach Bash and Splash. We had a great time on friday playing games with kids, face painting, clamming, fishing and fish printing. It was very hot on Friday so there was plenty of water and food for all of the kids. I was assigned to the sports section so I was playing soccer, football, frisbee and many other games with tons of kids. At 12 in the afternoon we all lined up on the edge of the water and we all sprinted into the ocean. It was really refreshing and overall just a great day.
IMG_1798.JPG On Sunday I worked at the Boston Seafood Festival at Boston Fish Pier. I had never heard about the festival but it was really cool. There were a lot of tents all from different seafood organizations and they sold delicious food. The Save the Harbor tent was the best tent by far. We had a fish printing station and chalk to play with but the most popular table was the shell painting table. We supplied sea shells, paint and brushes for the kids and they had a blast. My friend Ahmed even painted me a shell as a surprise.. This festival was exciting for almost every age and I hope to do it again next year.

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