Monday, August 8, 2016

Boston Seafood Festival

Today was the Annual Boston Seafood Festival. This was my first time working this event and it was really fun. There were a lot people that showed up for the event. There were also kids everywhere and good food too. At first I thought we were only going to do fish printing. But we did both fish printing and shell painting. It was really fun and the kids enjoyed it. They we so creative with it, especially the shell painting. Kids were coming up with different designs and colorful patterns.  I saw kids paint from "Nemo" to "Spiderman." It was really cool to see the kids having fun and being creative.

Next to our tent was a free air spray tattoo vendor. They had a lot of designs to choose from. Everyone from different ages would come and get their temporary tattoo. I got a Panda one on my arm. I thought it was really cool that they were doing that. Overall the event was really fun and I ws glad to be part of it.

Till next time,

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