Wednesday, August 17, 2016

CHV Fishing Trip #4

Hey everyone it's Mauricio again and I'm back with more from CHV! This week we had another fishing trip and it was a great day! The last fishing trip was somewhat dampered by the weather but this time it was perfect fishing weather! The day started the same way and everyone was ready and enthusiastic to go out and catch some fish. This time we didn't have Sam so it was a little different but it was still a great day.

    We got to our spot and got to work! We pulled up a lot of fish. At first slot of the fish we were catching were too small to keep, but after a while we started getting better and bigger fish. We caught some Black Sea Bass which look awesome! The kids were getting fish all day and it was a overall great time! By the end of the day we had a boat full of extremely tired kids. I could tell they had a fun time so it's makes the experience even better for me! 

Peace out - Mauricio  

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