Friday, August 5, 2016

Chv Overload

Hey everyone it's Mauricio Again , And Of  course I'm back with more from CHV. This time I get to talk about The Hustle! The hustle is a huge race all the kids in the camp do , so there are 5 teams. Each team is a lighthouse and they all compete to get camp bragging rights.
There are stations set up and the campers must complete each activite before continuing to the next. Some of the activities were basketball , sailing and paddle boarding. There were many more. The best part of the day had to be when a huge Mass State Police helicopter landing in the middle of the camp. I'm lucky enough to have snapped a picture with it !
It was an amazing day! Glad I'm a part of Chv Staff and got to experience such a awesome day. 

Peace out - Mauricio 

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