Tuesday, August 30, 2016

First and Last Day of All Access

Hey guys!

So for my last day at Save the Harbor, I got to experience All Access for the first time. It was a BLAST! I loved being able to work with different staff and children. We all gathered in the Pavilion while we waited for all of our families to arrive. It was "free ferry" day to the islands, so we knew we'd have some big numbers coming! We listened to David Coffin give his speech about the Boston Harbor and Spectacle Island in particular (that's where we were headed that day). We also listened to Gabby explain some rules of the island and what we could expect from our trip to the island. It was only my second time on Spectacle Island, my first having been only a few weeks ago for staff day. I knew the set up and schedule of the day would be different than I had experienced.

When we got to the island, we all decided what activities we'd be providing to everyone, and we picked a spot for lunch. Some of the girls brought me Cape Verdean food to try, and spoil me on my last day. It was amazing and so thoughtful of them! After lunch, I went on a beach walk to look for sea glass. I was amazed not only by the amount of sea glass I found, but also broken pottery and ceramic pieces scattered around the beach. Bridget and I spent some time on the beach, looking for cool stuff and skipping rocks. It was a great way to spend the afternoon. We all went swimming before leaving the island, which was cold and rocky but I figured better walk myself in than be thrown by David Coffin! (Word spreads fast around Save the Harbor.) And, in typical Save the Harbor fashion, we took a "last day on all access" group selfie which will always spark memories of a fantastic end to a fantastic summer. All Access was so much fun, I am thankful I got to experience it!

Signing off from Spectacle, Bridget 

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