Monday, August 15, 2016

Fishing Tournament

Ever since I've started working for SAVE THE HARBOR/ SAVE THE BAY, I've wanted to catch a fish, and I always knew that I was going to catch one. What I never expected was that I was going to catch two in less than an hour. I went fishing on the boat named Bella. When we started to fish, nobody on the boat expected that on our first cast, we would catch a fish in less than five minutes. The kid that reeled it in was so happy, as were the other kids that were with us on the boat. After helping the kids with the rods, I got a rod ready for myself and started fishing. While fishing, the kid that was next to me needed help to reel up the line. I put my rod down and went help the kid. While helping the kid, another STH/STB staff member saw my fishing rod moving so he ran over and reeled it up. There was a fish on the hook.

It was originally my fish, but I let him keep it because he was the one who struggled with the fish. After that happened, he got the same rod I was fishing with ready and gave it to me. After throwing it in the water, I felt the rod moving so I reel edit up and there was a fish. I was so happy that I even wanted to take a selfie with it, but when I was about to take it, the captain came and took it off the hook. The captain threw it back in the water because it was too small. After that, I went back to the same place where I caught the fish. After five to ten minutes, I reeled up the line and there was another fish. It was the same type of fish that I caught before, but this one, the first thing I did was take a selfie with it.  After showing it to the kids we put it back in the water and I stopped fishing. I had a good time, and all the kids had a chance to catch a fish, and they were all happy and exited.

- Cristian Berlioz  

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