Saturday, August 27, 2016

Goodbye Summer 2k16

This was my very first summer working for Save The Harbor, and I can definitely say it was memorable one. I started of the summer at Piers Park with Sean, Ray, Amanda and Ary and I  remember us being completely lost the first day when we got there and then Raymond teaching us how to filet a fish and some other interesting facts. That same day I remember after lunch, we all went to the little park with the sprinklers and the kids making up this game where they'd chase us with water and try to get us all wet and they did a pretty good job of getting me, Amanda and Ray. I also remember the time we caught two star fish and a moon jelly and the kids were so excited to hold them and they'd ask all types of questions.  After the first couple of days we all got the hang of things and I had a lot of fun working at Piers Park.
Holding A Star Fish

First Day At Piers Park
After a couple of weeks at Piers Park, I got put on All Access and at first I thought I wasn't really going to like it because I was so used to my previous cite, but I actually ended up enjoying it very much. I loved going to the different islands; Spectacle then Georges, with about 500 new different kids each day. I got to see a lot of faces and even some of which I knew. We mostly did fishing, and no, unfortunately we didn't catch much at either island, but we still got the experience  of being outside and enjoying the harbor and we did catch a skate on the last day at Spectacle which was the best ending to the summer.

Fishing On Spectacle

Catching My 1st Fish!
                                                    This summer I tried so many new things, I took risks that I'd never see myself taking, I met a lot of great people, held some crabs, learned how to fish, and caught my very first fish ever during the Fishing Tournament!

This was one of the best summers I've ever had and I'm glad I took on this opportunity! It was a very memorable summer for me and many other kids I'm sure. I can't believe it went by so fast!

- Til Next Summer, Rusenny :)

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