Hello readers! On Monday I was put at Piers park in East Boston because Camp Harbor View, the site I usually go to, didn’t start until Tuesday. It was nice to be with some new people and meet some younger kids than the ages I usually work with. The kids were all around 7 or 8 years old and the activities we did were much different from the activities we do at CHV. We went to the playground, ran in the sprinklers, played fishy fishy cross my ocean, capture the flag and many other games. I found out that working with young kids is much more involved than pre-teens. They need help putting on sunscreen, tying their shoes and opening fruit snacks.
Ahmed and I playing chess on the boat to CHV |
Although I enjoyed a change for once, I was extremely eager to get back to CHV with my co-workers. Tuesday was the first day back so we did a lot of introductory talks and games. After the staff went over the rules of camp we split up into groups and played “would you rather”. We got to hear the opinions of each kid and it was interesting to see what they thought. When we didn’t have to play games with the kids I was taught how to play dominos which turned out to be surprisingly exciting. On the boat on the way to work Ahmed and I played our favorite game: chess. Chess is the best game for a camp like CHV. When the kids get tired of running around in the sun they can join one of us in a strategic game of chess. Before I came to CHV I didn't realize how many people, especially children, knew how to play chess. We didn't do much fishing on Tuesday because it was rainy and cold but hopefully on Wednesday we can finally teach the kids how to fish.
The first catch for fishing club this session |
And that's exactly what we did. On Wednesday we met our new fishing club and the kids were really great. A lot of them already knew how to fish before they came to us so we only had to do a safety talk and then the kids were fishing on their own. The weather was also really nice on Wednesday so it was a beautiful day to be sitting on the pier. One boy even caught a skate on his first day! The kids were holding it and putting it on their heads. We had a great first day overall!
See you next time!
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