Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Sandraking A Masterpiece

Friday was one of the hottest days this summer at Carson. But we didn't let that get to us, as we stocked up on water bottles and hit the beach for some sand raking with our sand rake artist, Andres Amador. He's known for making amazing pieces of work on the beach with only a sand rake. His work never goes unnoticed when you're on the beach. We took a group of kids down to the beach and many of them had never used a sand rake before. While it was most of their first times using one, they all made wonderful art. It was my first time being taught how to sand rake properly, and I think I did a pretty good job!

When we brought the children down to the sand, I started working with my little friend Faith on a flower. It turned out to be pretty amazing actually. At first we struggled because the sand was drying fast since it was so hot. But we made it work in the long run. Our flower looked great! And it put a smile on both of our faces. When the children departed. we helped Andres make a huge picture. It took us about an hour to make but it was incredible to see the final product. I never thought that I'd be part of creating something as big as the piece of art we did Friday. Everyone on the beach kept coming over to see what we were doing. I think they were more amazed than us. It was a great day to be sand raking. I hope i get another day with Andres before the summer is over, so I can truly put my sand raking skills to the test. Unti next time, and keep on exploring, Preston.

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