Monday, August 15, 2016

Saying Goodbye to MLK Summer Scholars

This was my first summer being an MLK summer scholar and I can really say I learned a lot from it. I remember the first Friday before the workshops started the event that they hosted, we all went and that was the first day I ever heard the phrase "Seize today, own tomorrow." I didn't really get it at first, and then Jermaine Wiggins (aka Wiggy on Hot 96.9), was there and gave us all a speech on what it meant to him and what it should mean to all of us this summer. We should take advantage of the opportunities, for a better tomorrow.

I had a lot of fun the first workshop where we all got together to exercise and do some yoga, especially with that extremely motivational guy that made sure we were all trying even if we got tired and felt like giving up. Although most of the other workshops were about finance and making desicions in real life situations about our futures and might not have been as exciting, I did learn a lot.  Lastly, on Friday was the last and best workshop which was the talent show. There was singing, dancing, poetry and even a really good monologue. I can't believe this summer is actually coming to an end, it's been a great one.

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