Friday, August 12, 2016

Staff Day!!!!

Hey guys, Monday was staff day for the Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay crew. It was a pretty lit day. In the morning there was confusion on what island we were going to go to. But eventually we really did end up going to Spectacle Island. The boat ride was fun, as we had apples and cheese and danish to eat for breakfast, courtesy of Bruce and Patty. When we got to Spectacle, the staff was split between people who wanted to play football and the other half that wanted to toss a Frisbee around. I never thought that I would ever say this, but it was an intense game of Frisbee that we had going. There were people diving for the Frisbee, sliding around, running to catch it. It was pretty crazy.
This was a nasty dive I took, but I saved the Frisbee from hitting the ground.  After, we went down for lunch. There were great sandwiches from J. Paces. After lunch, we went down to the water to take a dip. Again some how we ended up all tossing that Frisbee around in the water. Staff day was pretty successful. 
'Til next time

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