Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Hustle

Get to the choppa (Arnold Schwarzenegger voice)
On your mark, get set, GO!

This past thursday we wrapped up the first session of CHVs summer camp. The day came filled with a ton of emotion, excitement, and energy. On the last day the kids take part of the hustle. A morning event that takes up the first two blocks of the day before lunch. The camp is divided by lighthouses, the respective groups of the camp, to compete against each other.

Hes got the spirit !

        The morning prep is analogous to that of a pep rally. All the children get together and paint their faces to match their lighthouse. Morning chants shake the dining common and all the kids become excited to attempt to be the first to complete the hustle.
        One of our favorite campers was so entirely in the spirit of the hustle that he painted his entire body orange. The energy engulfing Long Island was contagious. At the end of the day Great Point Lighthouse(GPL) won the hustle. Though only one winner was crowned all the campers were considered champions. They endured the hot summer, long days of camp, and finished the first session of CHV. Lets have a round of applause for the campers.


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