Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Blue Cross Blue Shield MA Volunteers Help Save the Harbor Get South Boston Beaches Ready For Fall

67 Blue Cross Blue Shield members join Save the Harbor/Save the Bay
 and the MA Department of Conservation and Recreation to keep
 South Boston’s beaches clean. 
On Wednesday, Sept 28, 67 volunteers from Blue Cross Blue Shield MA partnered with Save the Harbor/Save the Bay and the MA Department of Conservation and Recreation to clean up Carson Beach in South Boston. Undeterred by inclement weather, the spirited volunteers removed weeds and overgrowth, painted shade shelters and cleared sidewalks and pathways from the McCormack Bathhouse to Pleasure Bay.

The “Blue Crew” began the day with trash bags, shovels and rakes, removing invasive Sumac, weeds and debris from Carson Beach to Pleasure Bay. Additionally, four teams of volunteers painted 15 shade shelters and the doors and trim of the McCormack Bathhouse. In the afternoon, the enthusiastic volunteers cleared sand-filled pathways along the Harbor Walk near Mother’s Rest. They also cleared an entrance ramp at the N Street Beach to improve access for a handicap neighbor.

“Making these beaches inviting and accessible for everyone to enjoy is rewarding and important,” said Save the Harbor Vice President Susan Woods. “Save the Harbor, DCR and all the residents of South Boston who use these beaches all year round really appreciate our hard work.”

The BCBS Carson cleanup also contributed to the health and wellness of the participants. By the end of the day, volunteers had logged approximately 15,000 steps, which is equivalent to over 7 miles, according to Woods.

Anne Marie Flaherty of Brookline and Vito Palazolla of Dracut share a laugh as they clean up the I Street Beach in South Boston. 
“Effective stewardship of our state parks requires a partnership between the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation and its friends and volunteer groups, who consistently bring their spirited approach to all park functions, including important clean-up efforts,” said DCR Commissioner Leo Roy. “I thank Save the Harbor/Save the Bay and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts for once again joining us to improve South Boston’s beaches so residents and visitors may continue to enjoy this beautiful natural resource all year round.”

Bruce Berman, Director of Strategy, Communications and Programs at Save the Harbor, echoed Roy’s sentiments. “These beaches are important recreational assets for the region’s residents, especially to those in South Boston,” Berman said. “Thanks to our partners at Blue Cross Blue Shield and the terrific staff at DCR for getting them in shape for the fall.”

Amy Gaylord of Dorchester, Jonathan Galvez and Melinda Pho of Brockton, Shavon Austin of Braintree,
 Maya Durm of Rockland, and Claire Gongas of Hingham prepare to clean up Carson Beach.
Save the Harbor/Save the Bay is a non-profit, public interest harbor advocacy organization made up of thousands of citizens as well as civic, corporate, cultural and community leaders and scientists. Our mission is to restore and protect Boston Harbor, Massachusetts Bay, and the marine environment and share them with the public for all to enjoy.

To find out more about Save the Harbor/Save the Bay, visit our website at savetheharbor.org and follow ‘savetheharbor’ on Facebook and Twitter.

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