Wednesday, October 5, 2016

New Intern: Trevor Etheridge

Hi everyone! My name is Trevor Etheridge and I am a new Environmental Policy and Communications intern at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay. As a recent graduate of Boston University’s Marine Science program, the Boston Harbor and surrounding beaches will always hold a special place in my heart. Though my first love will always be the rock strewn tidal beaches of Maine where I spent my summers as a kid, I am very happy to dedicate my time to the preservation of the Boston area’s equally impressive beaches and waterfront.
Trevor Etheridge at the Fish Pier
near the Save the Harbor/Save the Bay office 

In my first weeks at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay, I have been continually blown away by the incredible work that has been done to protect and preserve the harbor. Whether working alongside volunteers to clean up nearby beaches or helping to continue to spread Save the Harbor/Save the Bay's message of conservation and environmental stewardship, I cannot wait to continue my work with this innovative organization! I am also deeply impressed with the key roll Save the Harbor/Save the Bay has played in the transition from Boston’s harbor being “the dirtiest harbor in the country” to having some of the country’s cleanest urban beaches. Much of my time in college was spent running and kayaking along the Charles so I am very invested in preserving these outstanding community resources and honored to work alongside an organization that has shares this passion.

Trevor fishing off of Stellwagen Bank
Save the Harbor/Save the Bay’s commitment to community outreach and promoting the next generation of ocean stewardship are also some of the main factors that attracted me to this internship. It is my belief that without a strong community investment in your cause it is nearly impossible to enact lasting change. By building such a large support base from Nahant to Nantasket, I fully believe that Save the Harbor/Save the Bay will continue to inspire long lasting change in these communities and I cannot wait to do my part to aid this organization!

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