Monday, November 7, 2016

Back to Spectacle Island

Hey everyone,                                   

                                                          It’s Edward- it has been a while since I have written a blog post about our wonderful staff events with Save the Harbor Save the Bay. Today on October 29th, 2016 staff members, including me, were invited back for an event with Save the Harbor Save the Bay. We were all invited for a trip back to one of the well-known island called Spectacle, known for all its historical impacts. Before we got on the boat to Spectacle Island, me and a couple of the Save the Harbor Save the Bay members stayed behind to help people find the boat we were getting on. On the boat you can see a view of the Boston islands along the way. Every island along the way has its own history to be told. The children and their parents were enjoying the boat ride to Spectacle Island. They learned new things they never knew about the islands.  

View of Boston from Spectacle

Others enjoyed the ride to Spectacle Island because it reminded them of how much they really enjoyed Boston. When we got to the island the families and the children were searching all over the place for a blue marble that would enter you in a raffle to earn a ticket for a trip. Any blue marble the kids would find was only counted as one chance. The children would go to hear pirate stories from the pirate her self named Norah. She is an incredible pirate and an incredible story teller who would catch anybody’s attention. We were separated in groups, my group started off along the beach shore looking for blue marbles and viewing sea glass while taking pictures as well. The sea glass my group collected was soft and  one of a kind. 

I got a chance to walk around Spectacle Island and was able  to view the whole island and the view of other islands. The children liked looking for four-leafed clovers that represented something we all wish for called good luck. The children would ask questions on how the community from Boston and others would usually use the islands. A few seconds into the question we answered by saying people usually get in the water or go fishing, and others do fun activities. At the end of the day people wanted to know about any upcoming events that could bring them back to the island. Some just couldn’t wait for next summer to come along. This was the first time I got  invited to a Save the Harbor Save the Bay  event where it was really cold out on the island and we could barely see any birds on the island. When we got on the boat I was having so much fun on the island I didn’t want the boat to arrive back on the dock of the World Trade Center. This trip back to Spectacle Island is going to be as memorable as the summer trip was.

                                                                                                          Sincerely: Edward Calderon

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