Monday, January 23, 2017

New Intern- Kara Fadden

Hey everyone, my name is Kara Fadden and I am an Environmental Policy Intern at Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay! I’m currently a senior at Boston University, and am majoring in Ecology and Conservation Biology. I spent my fall in Ecuador focusing on field work in tropical ecology, and can’t wait to get involved here this semester. From before I could even remember I knew I wanted to do something that would help animals in one way or another. After writing a report on the green sea turtle in high school, I turned my passion towards them and then eventually environmental conservation.

I have many memories of beach days, fishing and spending hours observing tide pool ecosystems as a kid; and would love to be able to continue to have clean and healthy beaches and oceans so that kids today can make memories for themselves. I am excited about all of the youth programs that Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay does, as well as the events that get people excited about the beach. Another aspect of Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay I am so passionate about is the cleanup, restoration and protection of the Massachusetts beaches. On top of that, I am excited to get involved in the water quality projects. Water quality is important, so not only we can enjoy the water on a hot summer day, but everything that calls the harbor home can thrive and live happily as well.

I can’t wait to get more involved with all that is going on here at Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay, and I am looking forward to my next couple months here!

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