Friday, February 3, 2017

Hello from Claire!

Hi everyone! My name is Claire and I am a new Environmental Policy Intern here at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay. I am currently in my senior year at Boston University, where I am getting my degree in Environmental Analysis and Policy. Coming from suburban New Jersey to Boston has been an awesome change, even though there aren't as many trees for me to hug in the city. Growing up around farms and parks taught me to appreciate animals and nature, so I decided to study how our society can protect and sustain them. One of my favorite things to do is travel, and I am always searching for the balance between urban sprawl and wilderness no matter where I go.
Smiles from Salthill Beach in Galway, Ireland!

My favorite childhood memories are of exploring the woods by my house and searching for shells on the Jersey Shore (and yes, there are actually beautiful beaches despite what you might see on TV). Once I took AP Environmental Science in high school, it became more clear that I wanted to spend my life working to protect the environment. I am excited to be working with Save the Harbor/Save the Bay because it is an organization that works for conservation in so many ways. It's important to show people how awesome their environment is, especially since there are so many unexpected opportunities in the city! I hope that through my work here I will be able to see policies in action as we advocate for the planet and show communities around Boston how they can enjoy the natural world from right here in the city. There are so many awesome natural areas in Boston that wouldn't be as great if there weren't as many people working hard to protect them.

Boston is a city with so many resources, and I can't wait to work with everyone at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay in conservation projects and to share my enthusiasm for the environment with other curious people!
Claire looking for snails on Revere Beach

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