Thursday, February 16, 2017

Save the Summer

Help #SavetheHarbor to #SavetheSummer!

As you know, the Administration recently announced serious cuts to the Department of Conservation and Recreation’s budget for this summer that affect seasonal staff, algae removal, and free beach events and programs this summer. While these cuts are critical, Save the Harbor/Save the Bay is dedicated to making the Summer of 2017 the best yet -- but we need your help. 

There are two quick, easy ways you can help us #SavetheSummer:

The Metropolitan Beaches Commission at their February meeting.

1.) Check out this letter from the Metropolitan Beaches Commission asking Governor Baker and Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs Matthew Beaton, Secretary of the Executive Office for Administration and Finance Kristen Lepore, Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Jay Ash, and other administration officials to revoke these cuts and fully restore the budget in FY2018. Then, send us an email with your name, affiliation and contact information so that we can add your name to the letter. 

#SavetheSummer with Save the Harbor at our Harpoon Shamrock Splash!
2.) Join us at the Harpoon Shamrock Splash!
Register for the Splash HERE ( and you automatically get Harpoon beer, a post-splash b.good meal, a Harpoon koozie, and a chance to win a round-trip JetBlue ticket. When you start a team and raise $100, $250, or $500 or more dollars, you'll get some cool Harpoon swag and a greater chance of winning another round-trip JetBlue flight. This is the most important Splash yet, and we need all of your support to keep the Better Beaches Program in 2017. All of the proceeds go straight to youth programs and beach events on all of our public beaches from Nahant to Nantasket. Last year, we raised $40,000-- help us beat that record this year.  We'll see you on M Street Beach in South Boston on March 5th. 

#SavetheHarbor #SavetheSummer

- Your friends at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay

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