Wednesday, May 17, 2017

New Intern - Grace Coleman

Hello all!

I am excited to announce that I am the new Administrative Intern at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay. My name is Grace Coleman, and I am a current student at Rice University in Houston, Texas. I am working towards a major in Environmental Policy and History. I spend most of my free time reading, eating and being outside as much as possible.

Every summer I spend a few weeks with my grandparents in Gloucester, MA and enjoying the beautiful beaches of the North Shore. Most of my childhood memories of my extended family revolve around happy, sun filled beach days. Because of this, I am so happy that the work of Save the Harbor/Save the Bay is to keep beaches clean for others so that they can have the same positive experiences. In addition, I am beyond excited to be in Boston for the entirety of the summer.

Over time, my love of the outdoors has evolved into a passion for the environment, and I have used that passion in my involvement in many projects, including a large recycling and e-waste recycling project in my hometown of University Park, Texas. In addition, Save the Harbor/Save the Bay's mission of beach restoration and conservation hits me close to home because of the pollution of Texas's beaches. I hope to learn a lot from the advocacy work of Save the Harbor in the hopes of someday making the same sort of impact in my home state.

Can't wait to see what the summer brings!

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