Wednesday, July 19, 2017

82, 81, 90, 91

Those are the temperatures the Boston Harbor area has been climbing to this week. The days in the 80s feel like 90s and the 90s feel like 100! It is easy to say we definitely in the dog days of summer.

Check out those crabs! 

Despite the heat, nothing can stop our campers from their daily routine. They relentlessly cast their lines, pull up traps, and paddle their kayaks through the water. The games of capture the flag seem endless and the day seems to drag until we get to the park but there is nothing compares to the smile on their faces when they see water on a hot day. The sprinkler is flowing and they can't get enough of the water. Soon enough they are even pouring it on the playground making "water slides". 

As sad as it is to leave the park and sprinkler, we make our way back down to the dock. The kids are getting hot again and are mostly dry. We thought, why not give them some more water? We turned on the hose and started spraying the ones who were willing to get wet. The kids were loving it!  

This moon jellyfish is AWESOME!
Before wrapping up for the day the kids partook in some heavy betting during the crab races, I believe a green crab won and his winnings were getting back into the water first. The kayakers also caught a jellyfish and brought it back to the dock for us all to hold it. So far this week has been a smash hit. 

Stay cool folks

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