Sunday, July 9, 2017

A Festival of Crabs at Spectacle Island

Hey There!

Me holding my new 10-legged friend!
This past week I had the pleasure of working at Spectacle Island through All Access. We ushered families and summer camps into the Blue Hills Bank pavilion to wait for the departure of the Provincetown Ferry. While waiting, I got the chance to pass around coloring sheets and talk to some families. There was a mix of first timers to the island while there were other families who have already been to Spectacle quite a few times. But one thing that was for sure was that everyone inside that pavilion was excited to board the ferry and land on the island!

When we arrived on Spectacle Island, I was stationed at the fishing club. Fishing is something that I am not familiar with and by being around it, I can learn a lot more about it. I helped with cutting up the squid and baiting it on the rods. Throughout the afternoon, there were no fish to be found, but a lot of crabs were caught. We placed them in the touch tanks and invited families and kids to come touch them. Although crabs might not be the most exciting ocean crustacean, we definitely made it fun for the kids. I realized that to most of them, any moving creature can be exciting, especially when the grown ups put in the effort to make it fun and interesting. We taught the kids how to hold the crabs and when it was time to let the crabs go, we ended fishing club with a crab race to see which crab could make it to the ocean fastest. I had a great time at Spectacle Island and I can't wait until my next adventure there!

Sail you later,

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