Wednesday, July 5, 2017

A little about me!

   My name is Eric Joseph and a Junior Program Assistant. This will be my first year working at Save the Harbor Save the Bay. I go to Madison Park Technical Vocational High School, and last summer I was a CIT at the Stoughton YMCA. At the Stoughton YMCA it was an outside camp with activities like swimming, soccer, kickball, archery and a ropes course. Although my favorite thing to do was help kids shoot arrows at archery.
   Back in the day I was in cub scouts for the whole four years and Boy scouts for about three years. Being in Boy scouts I learned to love the wilderness. I learned a lot and did a lot. I camped on many occasions and learned to live in harsh circumstances. Like working through an extremely snowy winter.
   Also I haven't gone one summer without taking a few friends to somewhere fun. For example last summer I took two of my friends out to the Kingston Mall just for a bit of fun. At the mall we went to Sky zone, saw a movie, went to a few candy stores, even went race car driving. Honestly I just like making sure my friends know I appreciate them.

  On account of some of my best friends (my Afro)and I
                                                                  Have a good night!

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