Wednesday, July 26, 2017

A sand sculpture twenty-feet-wide

This sculpture had water and music effects too!
A twenty-foot-wide USS Constitution replica fabricated from sand stood as the focal point of the 2017 International Sand Sculpting Festival on Revere Beach.

Revere Beach, America's first public beach, held its 14th annual International Sand Sculpting Festival last weekend from July 21-23. Sand sculptors from all over the world came to build these life like structures for thousands of people to admire over those three short days. Although each sculptor builds their own piece, it is important to note that they all time away from their own art work to come together and create a group project. This year it was the twenty-foot-wide USS Constitution replica to support the 2017 festival's theme of Sail Boston as well as to honor the ship as it returns to the water. The ship has been undergoing renovations for over two years in a dry dock.

They don't call this event a festival for nothing! There is so much going on it can definitely be overwhelming to some. The whole boulevard was lined with food trucks, games, vendors, attractions, entertainment, and of course fish printing! It was all hands on deck because the event was so busy but we still had an amazing time.

Catch you at the next event!

Even some unlikely friends
wanted to give fish printing a try!
All hands on deck for fish printing!

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