Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Book n' Boogie fun

                                this is me helping out at Discover Quincy's Book n' Boogie
This Thursday I spent my night at Wollaston beach with some really cool people from Discover Quincy at there event called The Book n' Boogie which was a public event where kids brought in their books  to donate and when they got there not only was there food drinks and music but also my friends and I were there to give kids an opportunity they haven't had before, which was to create a fish print using a real life fish! Now for some of these kids its 2 new experiences in one. fish printing, and touching a dead fish for the first time and might I tell ya, they loved every second of fish printing 
        this is kamal and i passing out prizes to the winners of the raffle
The Book n' Boogie was a very exciting experience due to the fact I not only got to interact with people while fish printing, I also got to interact with them around the park and on the dance floor.It was refreshing to learn the kids names and what they like to do. This was my first better beach event not only for the summer but ever and I just have to say that it was a blast and  can't wait for the next one.

           From ya boy,
          Jaiden Coren 

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