Sunday, July 9, 2017

Crabs and Cartwheels

Hello  everyone!

This week I had the pleasure of working with All Access. My days began at 9:15 am as I welcomed eager families and groups onto the dock. The energy was high as people boarded the Provincetown II towards Spectacle Island. For many kids and adults, this was their first time headed out to the islands and their first time fishing!

When we arrived on Spectacle Island, I was assigned to setting up the sports aspect of the day. Although I was never the most coordinated person growing up, I am not a person who turns down a challenge. My days were over run with groups of small children trying to teach me how to perfect my football throw and making fun of my poor catching skills. One young lady attempted to teach everyone how to do the perfect cartwheel, but it appears that I still need to learn how lock my legs.
Once sports where over, I was able to head back to the dock and check in on those who were busy fishing.

Fish were not biting this week, but that did not stop the children from giving it their all and really perfecting their side casts. Parents and kids were thrilled at the opportunity to throw a line in the water and feel the apprehension and glee that came with the mysterious tugs and sways on the fishing rod. Once we finished up fishing off the dock, we pulled up the crab traps to reveal the clumps of crabs we had acquired throughout the day. Red rock crabs and Green crabs ran in a frenzy in our traps.

The children could not contain their excitement as we opened the traps and pulled up some feisty crabs. Everyone wanted a chance to hold the crabs or at least poke their carapace as they were handed around. We used this as an opportunity to discuss crab anatomy, gender differences, and proper handling techniques.

On the way back to Boston, everyone was tired yet extremely satisfied. We had an eventful few days of crabs and cartwheels in the sun, what more could you ask for?
Hopefully next time my football passes will be better and we will catch some fish!

Sea you out there,


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