Friday, July 28, 2017

Days of Children Museum

Hey there my name is Edward Calderon Casimi I am a twenty year old Puerto Rican. People often give me nicknames such like Ed Eddie or just little man which I don’t mind being called. This is my third year coming back joining The Save The Harbor/Save the Bay. I enjoy giving fun facts about what we catch out on the bay. I have an obsession with sea animals, I love caring and learning about some of the animals that I haven’t seen before. Sometimes it feels like I’m getting paid to have fun by just interacting with kids and showing them what sea life lives underneath our oceans. The best feeling is at the end of a day is knowing kids are leaving happy. This year I am excited to be back with the crew. The Save the Harbor/Save the Bay group still manages to get through the day even on unplanned days. The site that I was put on this year is the Boston Children’s Museum. My first day on my site wasn’t as bad as I was imagining it to be, it actually went out well. At the Children’s Museum I got to teach kids who didn’t know how to fish be able to fish. Some of the kids decided to visit the touch tank where the harbor crew and I had all the green crabs we would catch either on a fishing rod or a crab trap. During my involvement with save the Harbor/ Save the Bay it’s been nothing but a fun journey along the way. People visiting the Boston children's Museum often don’t realize the benefits we bring them. I’ve had memorable moments that I wish could be relived again. At each sight you are guarantee to have fun.

Sincerely Edward Calderon

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