Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Don't always expect crabs in the crab trap!

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New crab friends
I made my return to the Children's Museum on Monday, and it was definitely a day of surprise. It was a hot, sunny Monday, and as expected the tide was low in the morning. We set out the crab traps, baited the rods, set up some other activities for the kids, and got ready for the day. A few families came to fish while waiting for the long line to become smaller, and we caught some crabs! The kids loved to pet and hold the crabs, most of them not scared, but they did have fun. A lot of families were coming to visit Boston, from Florida, Virginia, Maine etc, and lot of them said the Children's Museum is one of their favorite places!

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Touch tanks!
Considering the fact that the kids loved the crabs, we lifted up the crab traps every 20 so minutes until we got so much. Throughout the whole day we caught about 85 crabs, most of them through the crab traps, but crabs were not the only thing we caught in them. The tides are usually low, and we have never caught a fish, but we found a perch in the crab trap! TWICE! Garret was so shocked, and so happy because we haven't caught a fish since the start of the summer, and two perches were caught at different times, and it was such an accomplishment for us. Unfortunately, we set it out instead of keeping it, but after lunch the second one was caught so it did not make a difference.

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The professional!
It is funny how we did not catch a fish with a rod, but someone else did! A young boy, about 8 years of age was shown how to cast, and he instantly became a pro. He caught some crabs, a little bit of seaweed, but that was not the highlight of his day, and this was in the beginning of his first time fishing. He caught a large striped bass! The bass was big enough that it did not fit in the bigger touch tank, so we had to let it go, but he had his moment for sure! Hopefully one of us at Save The Harbor Save The Bay can catch a fish too! Until then!

Signing off
Qalid Hassan

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