Saturday, July 8, 2017

First Real Taste of Summer

Summer officially started on the 21st of June, but for all of us at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay it really started on July 5th, the first day at our sites. I was really excited when I was put at Camp Harbor View on Long Island because I had heard many great things about the camp and the kids. The first day when we were all getting on the ferry, the kids seemed a little older than I imagined so I didn't know what to expect, but after spending the day with them and introducing ourselves and teaching them how to fish, all my uncertainties went away. It amazed to see how excited they all were to have fun and learn despite the really hot weather. Some of them were fishing for their very first time and others were already pros at fishing and even taught me a thing or two!

On the second day, Kim caught a fish unexpectedly while teaching the kids how to cast! It was a striped bass and all the kids gathered around to see and the look on their faces was priceless, it encouraged them to ask a lot of questions and have even more patience because now they knew there were plenty of fish in the harbor. On the third day back, we did some more fishing and after being a little grossed out to touch the bait I finally decided to grab a fish head that we used as bait and put it on the hook. It was pretty smelly and gross but at the same time cool to do!
Catching Striped Bass

As I stood from the island, being on the pier and looking off onto the water and the surrounding islands, it really brought me back to last summer and made me feel like this was my very first taste of the summer. What better way to start off the summer than this? I can't wait to see what more Summer 17' brings!            
                                                             'Til next time, Rusenny :)

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